Saturday, June 20, 2020

Fathers Day - Revisited

Since Mom’s birthday is in May, and Dad’s is in June—aligning with Mothers and Fathers Day, respectively—my thoughts always turn to them in those months.  With both of them gone now, it is a way in which I keep their memories alive.  

My father was what you might call ‘old school’.  He could be pretty strict, and held the family to the same high standards he kept for himself.  His beliefs and attitudes reflected his growing up in the rough and tumble world of Hoquiam, a logging town on the Washington coast.  He was tough; he knew how to use his fists, having been a varsity boxer in high school, and later in the Navy.  

But ‘old school’ also meant much more to Dad than toughness and standards.  He wasn’t one to easily spout niceties like ‘I love you’, but he knew how to show it when the chips were down.  

One weekend, my buddy and I hitchhiked to the coast, to camp on the sand dunes at Honeyman State Park, near Florence Oregon.  We had a great time, but got a late start coming home, and got stuck just east of town in the little unincorporated community of Cushman (more a wide spot in the road than a community).  Traffic on the highway was down to just about nothing, and around 11:30 in the evening, it started raining.  The prospects of a ride in the middle of the night for two soaking wet teenage boys and their soaking wet backpacks were less than bleak.  

We kept trying until almost 1 a.m., taking shelter in a phone booth during the long breaks between oncoming cars.  In retrospect, it’s bizarre that there was a phone booth there, in the middle of nowhere, but there was.  Finally, we decided to swallow our pride and call my Dad.  Once he was clear on exactly where we were, he told us to just stay right there – he was on his way.  

It was about an hour later when he showed up.  He pulled over on the gravel shoulder next to us, got out, opened the trunk, put our backpacks in the trunk, and let us in.  On the drive home, he asked us how the weekend had been, and generally made small talk with us.  There were no recriminations, or any expressions that we had inconvenienced him by getting him up in the middle of the night for a two-hour drive to bring us home.  He knew that we knew we had fucked up … there was no need for him to reinforce the lesson.  What was unspoken was his relief to know that we were safe, and his clear sense that it was his duty to keep us that way.  

I may be letting myself off the hook to say this, but I think he actually was glad to be right where he was, and was maybe a little bit proud to know that I knew I could count on him.  

It was years later, when I became a father myself, that I discovered another dimension to this.  Fatherhood came late to me, and I am grateful for every minute of it – so much so that some things that might seem unpleasant, or off-putting in a different context, just triggered gratitude.  On a number of occasions when Madeleine was in her tweens, and early teens, she would get so angry with me that she would start crying, and yelling that she hated me, and that I was the ‘worst father in the world’.  Sometimes I knew that I had done or said something to trigger this; other times it was just a mystery.  I don’t dispute that conclusion – I am no judge of my ranking among the fathers of the world.  But beneath her words, I heard a plea, ‘I am totally overwhelmed by life, my surroundings, the changes happening in my body, and to my friendships, and I just need to scream!  I know that however I take it out on you, you will respond with respect, and will keep loving me.’  I remember, even in the moment, how glad I was to be there –
 to be a point of stability for this incredible young woman, at a time when everything else in her life was in disarray; showing her that wherever she flies off to as she copes with life – I will remain moored, and will be there when she is ready.  

I don’t think anybody would accuse me of being ‘old school’, but when I remember the intensity, then the hugs we shared a little later, when the  moment had passed … I think I know my father just a little better.  


  1. Appreciating this so much in re-reading. You are a man of empathy and wisdom, my friend.

  2. Cousin Michael, that is why I love you. Happy Father's day. Diane
