Wednesday, February 27, 2019

WFW - Listening to Scientists

Listening to scientists is the beginning of a slippery slope, with the potential to
dislodge you from what you learned growing up … and what you might be
learning now, if you stuck to traditional sources.

The nice thing about traditional learning is that it doesn’t change from time to
time. Truth is revealed, and it remains truth forever. Scientists tell stories that
change all the time. Last year they said to not eat eggs, now they say to eat eggs,
but not the toast. They tell us the Chinese landed a rocket ship on the dark side
of the moon, then tell us there is no dark side of the moon. They tell us that
we’re receiving radio signals from outer space that were sent over a billion years
ago. A billion years ago? How do they know … were they there?

Scientists do things that make us change what we do. They tell us to stop
smoking, but we have a right to smoke. They tell us we can’t log the forests,
because of spotted owls, and that we can’t dam the rivers because of salmon.
First they tell us that we’re descended from monkeys, but where’s the missing
link? Now they’re telling us that the coal and oil we burn is making the world
hotter, even as the Midwest id having the coldest winter in history. It just doesn’t
add up! They just want us to fail, by not doing our best to compete with the
Chinese. That should be obvious to anybody.

A few hundred years ago, an apple plopped on Isaac Newton’s head, and he
thought up gravity. I mean, so what! This is the same guy that invented Calculus,
so even if gravity’s a good thing, that doesn’t make up for it. Anyhow, about a
hundred years ago, some Einstein … I mean THE Einstein said that Isaac Newton
got it all wrong, and that there isn’t a force of gravity, but planets and stars bend
something called ‘Spacetime’. Seriously, he called it that, and came up with all sorts
 of crap about what happens to things when they go really fast … that they
get heavier and that time slows down. What a crock! Time is time, and has
nothing to do with space. They’re just trying to confuse us.
Now they’re going after people who don’t want to get shots for measles, or the
flu, or whatever. Hell, I had measles when I was a kid … it wasn’t so bad! And I
hate getting shots!

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